PREDPISY EHK Č. 101 až 110 | |||||
Predpis č. | Dokumentačný odkaz E/ECE/324 E/ECE/TRANS/505/... |
Status dokumentu | Dátum nadobudnutia platnosti | NÁZOV |
101 | Add.100 Add.100/Amend.1 Add.100/Amend.2 Add.100/Amend.3 Add.100/Amend.4 Add.100/Rev.1 Add.100/Rev.2 Add.100/Rev.2/Amend.1 Add.100/Rev.2/Amend.2 Add.100/Rev.2/Amend.3 Add.100/Rev.2/Amend.4 Add.100/Rev.2/Amend.5 Add.100/Rev.3 Add.100/Rev.3/Amend.1 Add.100/Rev.3/Amend.3 Add.100/Rev.3/Amend.4 Add.100/Rev.3/Amend.5 Add.100/Rev.3/Amend.6 Add.100/Rev.3/Amend.7 Add.100/Rev.3/Amend.8 |
00 Suppl.1 to 00 Suppl.2 to 00 Suppl.3 to 00 Suppl.4 to 00 Suppl.5 to 00 Suppl.6 to 00 Suppl.7 to 00 Suppl.8 to 00 Suppl.9 to 00 01 Suppl.1 to 01 Suppl.9 to 01 |
01.01.97 10.08.97 14.05.98 05.02.00 12.09.01 31.01.03 04.04.05 18.06.07 22.07.09 19.08.10 09.12.10 28.05.19 10.06.14 22.01.15 20.01.16 18.06.16 10.10.17 28.05.19 03.01.21 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu osobných automobilov poháňaných len spaľovacím motorom, alebo poháňaných hybridnou elektrickou hnacou sústavou z hľadiska merania emisií oxidu uhličitého a spotreby paliva a/alebo merania spotreby elektrickej energie a dojazdu a vozidiel kategórie M1 a N1 poháňaných len elektrickou hnacou sústavou z hľadiska merania spotreby elektrickej energie a dojazdu Uniform provisions concerning the approval of passenger cars powered by an internal combustion engine only, or powered by a hybrid electric power train with regard to the measurement of the emission of carbon dioxide and fuel consumption and/or the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric range, and of categories M1 and N1 vehicles powered by an electric power train only with regard to the measurement of electric energy consumption and electric range |
102 | Add.101 |
00 |
13.12.96 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu: I. krátkeho spojovacieho zariadenia (CCD) II. vozidiel z hľadiska montáže schváleného typu CCD Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. A close-coupling device (CCD) II. Vehicles with regard to the fitting of an approved type of CCD |
103 | Add.102 Add.102/Amend.1 Add.102/Amend.2 Add.102/Rev.1 Add.102/Rev.1/Amend.1 |
00 |
23.02.97 06.07.00 04.04.05 23.06.11 10.06.14 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu výmenných zariadení na reguláciu znečisťovania pre motorové vozidlá Uniform provisions concerning the approval of replacement pollution control devices for power-driven vehicles |
104 | Add.103 Add.103/Amend.1 Add.103/Amend.2 Add.103/Amend.3 Add.103/Amend.4 Add.103/Amend.4/Corr.1 Add.103/Amend.5 Add.103/Amend.3/Corr.1 Add.103/Rev.1 Add.103/Rev.1/Corr.1 Add.103/Rev.1/Corr.2 Add.103/Rev.1/Amend.1 Add.103/Rev.1/Amend.2 Add.103/Rev.1/Amend.3 Add.103/Rev.1/Amend.4 |
00 Suppl.1 to 00 Suppl.2 to 00 Suppl.3 to 00 Suppl.4 to 00 Corr.1 to Suppl.4 to 00 Suppl.5 to 00 Corr.1 to Suppl.3 Suppl.6 to 00 Corr.2 to Suppl.3 Erratum Suppl.7 to 00 |
15.01.98 13.01.00 10.12.02 02.02.07 18.06.07 14.11.07 11.07.08 12.03.08 24.10.09 10.03.10 --- 26.07.12 15.06.15 10.10.17 15.10.19 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu odrazových označení pre
vozidlá kategórie M, N a O Uniform provisions concerning the approval of retro-reflective markings for vehicles of category M, N and O |
105 | Add.104 Add.104/Amend.1 Add.104/Amend.2 Add.104//Amend.2/Corr.1 Add.104/Amend.2/Corr.2 Add.104/Amend.2/Corr.3 (F only) Add.104/Amend.3 Add.104/Amend.4 Add.104/Rev.1 Add.104/Rev.2 Add.104/Rev.2/Amend.1 Add.104/Rev.2/Amend.1/Corr.1 Add.104/Rev.2/Amend.2 Add.104/Rev.2/Amend.3 Add.104/Rev.3 Add.104/Rev.3/Amend.1 |
00 01 series 02 series Corr.1 to 02 Corr.2 to 02 Corr.3 to 02 03 04 Suppl.1 to 04 |
07.05.98 13.01.00 05.12.01 13.03.02 13.11.02 12.03.03 23.06.05 18.06.07 22.07.09 23.06.11 18.11.12 06.02.13 15.06.15 [22.06.17] --- 28.05.19 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu vozidiel určených na
prepravu nebezpečného tovaru z hľadiska ich špecifických
konštrukčných charakteristík Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles intended for the carriage of dangerous goods with regard to their specific construction features |
106 | Add.105 Add.105/Amend.1 Add.105/Corr.1 Add.105/Amend.2 Add.105/Amend.3 Add.105/Amend.2/Corr.1 Add.105/Amend.4 Add.105/Amend.5 Add.105/Amend.5/Corr.1 Add.105/Rev.1 Add.105/Rev.1/Corr.1 Add.105/Rev.1/Amend.1 Add.105/Rev.1/Amend.2 Add.105/Rev.1/Amend.3 Add.105/Rev.2 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.1 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.2 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.3 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.4 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.5 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.6 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.7 Add.105/Rev.2/Amend.8 |
00 Suppl.1 to 00 Corr.1 to 00 Suppl.2 to 00 Suppl.3 to 00 Corr.1 to Suppl.2 to 00 Suppl.4 to 00 Suppl.5 to 00 Corr.1 to Suppl.5 to 00 Suppl.6 to 00 Erratum Suppl.7 to 00 Suppl.8 to 00 |
07.05.98 13.01.00 26.06.02 31.01.03 13.11.04 10.03.04 02.02.07 10.11.07 25.06.08 26.02.09 --- 24.10.09 17.03.10 27.01.13 03.11.13 15.06.15 08.10.15 18.06.16 09.02.17 10.02.18 29.12.18 15.10.19 25.09.20 |
Jednotné ustanovenie pre homologizáciu pneumatík pre
poľnohospodárske vozidlá a ich prípojné vozidlá Uniform provisions concerning the approval of pneumatic tyres for agricultural vehicles and their trailers |
107 | Add.106/Rev.2 Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.1 (F only) Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.2 (R only) Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.2 Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.3 Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.3 Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.4 (F only) Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.5 (R only) Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.1/Corr.1 Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.1/Corr.2 (F only) Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.6 Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.7 Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.4 Add.106/Rev.2/Corr.8 (R only) Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.5 Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.6 Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.3/Corr.1 Add.106/Rev.3 Add.106/Rev.3/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.3/Amend.2 Add.106/Rev.2/Amend.6/Corr.1 (R only) Add.106/Rev.3/Corr.1 (R only) Add.106/Rev.3/Amend.3 Add.106/Rev.3/Amend.4 Add.106/Rev.3/Amend.2 Add.106/Rev.3/Amend.5 Add.106/Rev.3/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.3/Corr.3
Add.106/Rev.4/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.4/Amend.2 Add.106/Rev.4/Corr.1 (Erratum) Add.106/Rev.4/Corr.2
Add.106/Rev.5 Add.106/Rev.5/Corr.1 (Erratum) Add.106/Rev.5/Corr.2 Add.106/Rev.5/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.5/Amend.2 Add.106/Rev.5/Amend.3 Add.106/Rev.5/Amend.4 Add.106/Rev.5/Amend.5
Add.106/Rev.6/Corr.1 (Erratum) Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.2
Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.3 Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.4 Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.5 Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.6 Add.106/Rev.6/Corr.2 Add.106/Rev.6/Corr.3 Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.7 Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.8 Add.106/Rev.6/Amend.9 Add.106/Rev.7 Add.106/Rev.7/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.7/Corr.1 Add.106/Rev.7/Corr.2 Add.106/Rev.7/Amend.2 Add.106/Rev.7/Amend.3 Add.106/Rev.7/Amend.4 Add.106/Rev.7/Amend.5 Add.106/Rev.8 Add.106/Rev.8/Corr.1 Add.106/Rev.8/Amend.1 Add.106/Rev.8/Amend.2 Add.106/Rev.8/Amend.3 |
Suppl.2 to 02 Suppl.3 to 02 Corr.1 to 02 Corr.2 to 02 Suppl.4 to 02 Suppl.5 to 02 Corr.1 to Rev.2 Erratum Erratum Corr.1 to Suppl.3 to 02(R) Erratum Corr.2 to Rev.2 Erratum 03 Corr.3 to Rev.2 Suppl.6 to 02 Suppl.1 to 03 Corr.1 to Suppl.5 to 02 Suppl.7 to 02 Suppl.2 to 03 04 Corr.1 to Suppl.1 to 03
Corr.4 to Rev.2 Suppl.1 to 04 05 Erratum 1 to Rev.3 Suppl.2 to 04 Corr.1 to Rev.3 (Obsahuje sériu 04) Suppl.2 to 03 04 Corr.4 to Rev.2 (Ronly) Suppl.1 to 04 Suppl.2 to 04 Erratum 1 to Rev.3 Corr.1 to Rev.3 Corr.2 to Rev.3 (Erratum) Suppl.3 to 04 Obsahuje sériu 05 Suppl.1 to 05 Suppl.3 to 06 07 series 08 |
15.10.08 22.07.09 10.03.09 10.03.09 24.10.09 24.10.09 11.11.09 --- --- 11.11.09 --- 10.03.10 --- 19.08.10 10.11.10 09.12.10 09.12.10 09.03.11 23.06.11 28.10.11 28.10.11 16.11.11
16.11.11 26.07.12 26.07.12 --- 18.11.12 14.03.12
23.06.11 28.10.11 28.10.11 16.11.11 26.07.12 18.11.12 --- 14.03.12 13.11.13 10.06.14 09.10.14 [22.06.17] --- 13.03.19
26.07.12 10.06.14
13.03.19 10.06.14 18.06.16 18.10.16 [22.06.17]
10.06.14 --- 15.06.15 08.10.15
18.06.16 18.10.16 18.10.16 22.06.17 15.03.17 13.03.19 16.10.17 29.05.20 25.09.20
22.06.17 15.03.17 13.03.19 16.10.18 16.10.18 29.05.20 25.09.20 --- 13.03.19 15.10.19 29.05.20 25.09.20 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu vozidiel kategórie M2 alebo M3
z hľadiska ich celkovej konštrukcie Uniform provisions concerning the approval of categories M2 or M3 vehicles with regard to their general construction |
108 | Add.107 Add.107/Corr.1 (F only) Add.107/Amend.1 Add.107/Amend.2 Add.107/Corr.2 Add.107/Amend.3 Add.107/Amend.3/Corr.1 Add.107/Amend.4 Add.107/Amend.5 |
00 Corr.1 to 00 (F only) Suppl.1 to 00 Suppl.2 to 00 Corr. 2 Suppl.3 to 00 Erratum to Suppl.3 to 00 Suppl.5 to 00 |
23.06.98 10.03.99 30.10.03 23.06.05 12.03.08 17.03.10 --- 29.12.18 03.01.21 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu výroby obnovených pneumatík
motorových vozidiel a ich prípojných vozidiel Uniform provisions concerning the approval for the production of retreaded pneumatic tyres for motor vehicles and their trailers |
109 | Add.108 Add.108/Corr.1 Add.108/Amend.1 Add.108/Amend.1/Corr.1 Add.108/Amend.2 Add.108/Amend.3 Add.108/Amend.4 Add.108/Rev.1 Add.108/Rev.1/Amend.1 Add.108/Rev.1/Corr.1 Add.108/Rev.1/Amend.1 Add.108/Rev.1/Amend.2 Add.108/Rev.1/Amend.3 Add.108/Rev.1/Amend.4 |
00 Corr.1 to 00 Suppl.1 to 00 Corr.1 to 01 to 00 Suppl.2 to 00 Suppl.3 to 00 Suppl.4 to 00 Suppl.5 to 00 Corr.1 to Rev.1 Suppl.7 to 00 Suppl.10 to 00 |
23.06.98 10.03.99 21.02.02 12.03.03 13.11.04 09.11.05 10.11.07 24.10.09 17.03.10 03.11.13 20.01.16 10.10.17 29.12.18 03.01.21 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu výroby obnovených pneumatík
úžitkových motorových vozidiel a ich prípojných vozidiel Uniform provisions concerning the approval for the production of retreaded pneumatic tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers |
110 | Add.109 Add.109/Corr.1 Add.109/Corr.2 Add.109/Amend.1 Add.109/Amend.2 Add.109/Amend.3 Add.109/ Amend.4 Add.109/ Amend.5 Add.109/ Amend.6 Add.109/Rev.1 Add.109/Rev.1/Amend.1 Add.109/Rev.1/Amend.2 Add.109/Rev.2 Add.109/Rev.3/Amend.1 Add.109/Rev.3/Amend.2 Add.109/Rev.3/Amend.3 Add.109/Rev.3/Amend.4 Add.109/Rev.3/Amend.5 Add.109/Rev.3/Amend.6 Add.109/Rev.3/Amend.7 Add.109/Rev.4 Add.109/Rev.4/Amend.1 Add.109/Rev.4/Amend.2 Add.109/Rev.5 Add.109/Rev.5/Amend.1 Add.109/Rev.5/Amend.2 Add.109/Rev.5/Amend.3 Add.109/Rev.6 Add.109/Rev.6/Amend.1 Add.109/Rev.6/Amend.2 |
00 Corr.1 to 00 Corr.2 to 00 Suppl.1 to 00 Suppl.2 to 00 Suppl.3 to 00 Suppl.4 to 00 Suppl.5 to 00 Suppl.6 to 00 Suppl.7 to 00 Suppl.8 to 00 Suppl.9 to 00 02 series 03 series 04 |
28.12.00 08.11.00 27.06.01 31.01.03 27.02.04 12.08.04 04.07.06 02.02.07 18.06.07 03.02.08 22.07.09 19.08.10 10.06.14 09.10.14 08.10.15 18.06.16 08.10.16 22.06.17 10.10.17 19.07.18 --- 19.07.18 16.10.18 --- 28.05.19 15.10.19 15.10.19 --- 25.09.20 25.09.20 |
Jednotné ustanovenia pre homologizáciu:
I. Špecifických komponentov motorových vozidiel používajúcich vo svojom pohonnom systéme stlačený zemný plyn (CNG) a/alebo skvapalnený zemný plyn (LNG) II. Vozidiel z hľadiska inštalovania špecifických komponentov homologizovaného typu za účelom používania stlačeného zemného plynu (CNG) a/alebo skvapalneného zemného plynu (LNG) vo svojom pohonnom systéme Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Specific components of motor vehicles using compressed natural gas (CNG) and/or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system in their propulsion system; II. Vehicles with regard to the installation of specific components of an approved type for the use of compressed natural gas (CNG) and/or liquefied natural gas (LNG) in their propulsion system in their propulsion system |